Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Egyptian God Thoth

Thoth (/ˈθθ/ or /ˈtt/; from Greek Θώθ thṓth, from Egyptian ḏḥwty, perhaps pronounced */tʃʼiħautiː/ or */ɟiħautiː/, depending on the phonological interpretation of Egyptian'semphatic consonants) was one of the deities of the Egyptian pantheon. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at.[1]
Thoth's chief temple was located in the city of Khmun,[2] later called Hermopolis Magna during the Greco-Roman era[3] (in reference to him through the Greeks' interpretation that he was the same as their god Hermes) and Ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛⲉⲓⲛ shmounein in the Coptic rendering. In that city, he led the Ogdoad pantheon of eight principal deities. He also had numerous shrines within the cities of Abydos, Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens.[4]
Thoth played many vital and prominent roles in Egyptian mythology, such as maintaining the universe, and being one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at) who stood on either side of Ra's boat.[5] In the later history of ancient Egypt, Thoth became heavily associated with the arbitration of godly disputes,[6] the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science,[7] and the judgment of the dead.[8]
Thoth's other names include:
  • Djhuty
  • Djehuty
  • Dhouti
  • Djehuti
  • Tehuty
  • Tehuti
  • Thout
  • Zehuti
  • Sheps
  • Lord of the Khemenu
Thoth was the god who overcame the curse of Ra, allowing Nut to give birth to her five children, with his skill at games. It was he who helped Isis work the ritual to bring Osiris back from the dead, and who drove the magical poison of Set from her son, Horus with the power of his magic.

He was Horus' supporter during the young god's deadly battle with his uncle Set, helping Horus with his wisdom and magic.

It was Thoth who brought Tefnut, who left Egypt for Nubia in a sulk after an argument with her father, back to heaven to be reunited with Ra.
Tefnut, the Eye of Ra, became estranged from her father and fled into Nubia, taking all of her precious water with her. In this land, she transformed herself into a lioness. She raged through the countryside, emitting flames from her eyes and nostrils. Viciously, she drank the blood and fed on the flesh of both animals and humans.

As time went on, Ra missed his Eye, and longed to see her again - Egypt had dried, and the land was in chaos. He summoned Shu to him, along with Thoth, who was the messenger of the gods and famous for his eloquence. Ra issued the command that Shu and Thoth must go to Nubia and bring back his recalcitrant daughter.

Before they set off on their journey Shu and Thoth disguised themselves as baboons. The baboon is an animal sacred to Thoth. Eventually, Thoth and Shu found Tefnut in Begum. Thoth began at once to try and persuade her to return to Egypt. Tefnut, however, wasn't interested. She liked hunting in the desert and was perfectly happy where she was.

Thoth would not give up though, and wove stories to depict to her how gloom had descended upon Egypt since she had left. The people of Egypt would do anything for her if she'd just return home. Ultimately, wooed by Thoth's promises, Tefnut relented and returned to Egypt accompanied by the two baboons.

All the way there, Thoth kept her entertained with stories. Tefnut made a triumphant entry back into the homeland, accompanied by a host of Nubian musicians, dancers and baboons. She went from city to city, bringing back moisture and water, amid great rejoicing, until finally she was reunited with her father, and restored to her rightful position as his Eye.
When Ra retired from the earth, he appointed Thoth and told him of his desire to create a Light-soul in the Duat and in the Land of the Caves, and it was over this region that the sun god appointed Thoth to rule, ordering him to keep a register of those who were there, and to mete out just punishments to them.

Thoth became the representation of Ra in the afterlife, seen at the judgment of the dead in the 'Halls of the Double Ma'at'.

The magical powers of Thoth were so great, that the Egyptians had tales of a 'Book of Thoth', which would allow a person who read the sacred book to become the most powerful magician in the world.

The Book which "the god of wisdom wrote with his own hand" was, though, a deadly book that brought nothing but pain and tragedy to those that read it, despite finding out about the "secrets of the gods themselves" and "all that is hidden in the stars".

Depictions of Thoth

In art, Thoth was usually depicted with the head of an ibis, deriving from his name, and the curve of the ibis' beak, which resembles the crescent moon. Thoth the Scribe, wrote the story of our reality then placed it into grids for us to experience and learn through the alchemy of time and consciousness.

He was sometimes depicted with the face of a dog-headed baboon and the body of a man or, again, as a full dog-headed baboon. The ibis, it is thought, had a crescent shaped beak, linking the bird to the moon.

The dog-headed baboon, on the other hand, was a night animal that was seen by the Egyptians who would greet the sun with chattering noises each morning just as Thoth, the moon god, would greet Ra, the sun god, as he rose. [Baboon - symbol of evolution ofthe human experiment in time.]

Thoth The Scribe

Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld, and the moon became occasionally considered a separate entity, now that Thoth had less association with it, and more with wisdom.

For this reason Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes.

Also, he became credited as the inventor of the 365-day (rather than 360-day) calendar, it being said that he had won the extra 5 days by gambling with the moon, then known as Iabet, in a game of dice, for 1/72nd of its light (5 = 360/72).

When the Ennead and Ogdoad systems started to merge, one result was that, for a time, Horus was considered a sibling of Isis, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys, and so it was said that Hathor/Nuit had been cursed against having children during the (360) day year, but was able to have these five over the 5 extra days won by Thoth.

Thoth and Seshat

Thoth was thought to be scribe to the gods, who kept a great library of scrolls, over which one of his wives, Seshat (the goddess of writing) was thought to be mistress.

He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. He, too, was a measurer and recorder of time, as was Seshat.

Many ancient Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books', indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls.

Seshat is the Goddess of Libraries, all forms
of Writing and the Measurement of Time.

Thoth and Ma'at
Believed to be the author of the spells in the Book of the Dead, he was a helper (and punisher) of the deceased as they try to enter the underworld.

In this role, his wife was Ma'at, the personification of order, who was weighed against the heart of the dead to see if they followed Ma'at during their life.

Centre of Worship

During the late period of Egyptian history a cult of Thoth gained prominence, due to its main centre, Khnum (Hermopolis Magna), in Upper Egypt also becoming the capital, and millions of dead ibis were mummified and buried in his honor.

The rise of his cult also lead to his cult seeking to adjust mythology to give Thoth a greater role, including varying the Ogdoad cosmogony myth so that it is Thoth who gives birth to Ra/Atum/Nefertum/Khepri, as a result of laying, as an ibis, an egg containing him.

Later it was said that this was done in the form of a goose - literally as a goose laying a golden egg. The sound of his song was thought to have created four frog gods and snake goddesses of the Ogdoad who continued Thoth's song, helping the sun journey across the sky.

Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, lead him to be connected with Seshat, the earlier deification of wisdom, who became said to be his daughter, or variably his wife.

Thoth's qualities also lead to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god - Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined, as Hermes Trismegistus, also leading to the Greeks naming Thoth's cult centre as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes.

Thoth was,
  • the 'One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth'
  • the 'Reckoner of Times and of Seasons'
  • the one who 'Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth'
  • he was 'He who Balances'
  • the 'God of the Equilibrium' and 'Master of the Balance'
  • 'The Lord of the Divine Body'
  • 'Scribe of the Company of the Gods'
  • the 'Voice of Ra'
  • the 'Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine'
  • he who understood 'all that is hidden under the heavenly vault'
Thoth was not just a scribe and friend to the gods, but central to order - ma'at - both in Egypt and in the Duat. He was 'He who Reckons the Heavens, the Counter of the Stars and the Measurer of the Earth'.

There is an Egyptian pharaoh of the Sixteenth dynasty of Egypt named Djehuty (Thoth) after him, and who reigned for three years.

More About Thoth

Geometry - Reality - Time
Reality is myth, math, and metaphor.

It is a consciousness computer experiment in time and illusion created by thought consciousness. The name Thoth means 'Thought' and 'Time'. Thoth was the master architect who created the blueprint of our reality based on the patterns of sacred geometry or 12 around 1.

The program follows binary code 1010101 [ON OFF ON OFF - Matter Anti-Matter] and repeats in cycles called time.

It is here - in the duality - duat - underworld - chaos - void - place of creation 'outside the box' of our experience - reflected in gods and goddesses, the landscapes of Egypt including the pyramids and temples - that we experience until we evolve in the alchemy of time and consciousness.

Thoth created a grid program of experience - electromagnetic in nature to allow for the bipolar aspects of linear time and illusion. In so doing, we go to 4 [time] and 3 [3D physical reality]. Thoth constructed a pyramidal shaped vehicle which personifies the nature of reality.

He placed half above - "As is Above" in the nonphysical and half below "As is Below" thus creating the sands of time - the hourglass - the X Box - at the center of the planet where it all began and will all evolve at Zero Point - a time or place of balance.

Thoth was the 'god of the equilibrium' and considered depictions of him as the 'Master of the Balance' to indicate that he was associated with the precession of the equinoxes - a time when the day and the night were balanced.

Thoth played a crucial role in the design and orientation of many famous pyramids, temples and ziggurats.

Thoth as Hermes who was Merlin and The Trickster


Thoth and Hidden Knowledge

It is written in several ancient texts that Thoth wrote a major work of scriptural importance that would one day be found.

Thoth allegedly wrote books in which he set forth fabulous knowledge of magic and incantation then concealed them in a tomb/womb.

42 Books of Thoth

Thoth as Hermes in ancient Greece complied the Hermetic Text referred to him as Kore Kosmu.

What he knew, he carved on stone [mataphor of physical plane] then hid most of the information. The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements he hid away using the secrets of Osiris, keeping and maintaining silence, that younger ages of the cosmic time clock might seek them out.

Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline.

Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth which describe the instructions for achieving immortality plus 2 more books kept separately.

The dating of the books is somewhere between the third century BC and the first century AD. Their influence has been tremendous on the development of Western occultism and magic. Neo-pagan witchcraft contains many rituals and much esoteric symbolism based upon Hermetic writings.

According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam and a builder of the Egyptian pyramids, authored the books. But, more probably the books were written by several succeeding persons. According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus.

A chronicler of pagan lore, Clement of Alexandria, stated thirty-six [36] of the Hermetic books contained the entire Egyptian philosophy:
  • four [4] books on astrology
  • ten [10] books called the Hieratic on law
  • ten [10] books on sacred rites and observances
  • two [2] on music
  • and the rest on writing, cosmography, geography, mathematics and measures and training of priests
  • six [6] remaining books concerned medicine and the body discussing diseases, instruments, the eyes and women
Most of the Hermetic books - along with others - were lost during the burning of the royal libraries in Alexandria.

The surviving books were secretly buried in the desert where they are presently located. A few initiates of the mystery schools, ancient secret cults, allegedly know their location. What remains of the surviving Hermetic lore has been passed down through generation and published in many languages.

Most important of all are three works.
  • The most important and oldest is The Divine Pymander. It consists on 17 fragments all in one work. Within these fragments are many of the Hermetic concepts, including the was divine wisdom and the secrets of the universe were revealed to Hermes and the way in which Hermes established his ministry to spread this wisdom throughout the world. The Divine Pymander apparently was revised during the first centuries AD but lost none of its meaning due to incorrect translations.
  • Poimmandres or The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pymander and perhaps the most famous. It relates Hermes' mystical vision, cosmogony, and the secret sciences of the Egyptians as to culture and the spiritual development of the soul.
  • The third work - Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica - Emerald Tablets.

Thoth in Other Important Roles

Sumerian Gods
Reality depicted as a biogenetic experiment with extraterrestrial connotations
Enki's youngest son, Ningizzida, was Lord of the Tree of Truth, in Mesopotamia. He played the role of Thoth in Egypt and Hermes the Magician - the Alchemist.

The ancient Mystery School Teachings of Thoth were past down to his Initiates who became the priests. They hid the secret knowledge of creation, passing it down through the ages

Mercury who was Hermes in Greek Mythology - Communication
Mercury - Messenger of the GodsMercury is god of trade and profit, merchants and travelers, but originally of the trade in corn. In later times he was equated with the Greek Hermes. He had a temple in Rome near the Circus Maximus on the Aventine Hill which dates back to 495 BCE.

This temple was connected to some kind of trade fair. His main festival, the Mercuralia, was celebrated on May 15 and on this day the merchants sprinkled their heads and their merchandise with water from his well near the Porta Capena.

During the time of the Roman Empire the cult of Mercury was widely spread, especially among the Celtic and Germanic peoples.

The Celts have their Gaulish Mercury, and the Germans identified him with their Wodan. The attributes of Mercury are the caduceus (a staff with two intertwined snakes) and a purse (a symbol of his connection with commerce).

He is portrayed similarly to Hermes: dressed in a wide cloak, wearing talaria (winged sandals) and petasus (winged hat). Mercury is also known as Alipes ("with the winged feet").

The Mayan Calendar - Time and and end date of December 21, 2012
Quetzalcoatl was identified to Atlantida, Egypt, Sumer, then later to Mesoamerica and Peru as Quetzacoatl. Quetzalcoatl ("feathered snake") is the Aztec name for the Feathered-Serpent deity of ancient Mesoamerica, one of the main gods of many Mexican and northern Central American civilizations.

The name "Quetzalcoatl" literally means quetzal-bird snake or serpent with feathers of the Quetzal (which implies something divine or precious) in the Nahuatl language.

The meaning of his local name in other Mesoamerican languages is similar. The Maya knew him as Kukulkán; the Quiché as Gukumatz.

The Feathered Serpent deity was important in art and religion in most of Mesoamerica for close to 2,000 years, from the Pre-Classic era until the Spanish Conquest. Civilizations worshiping the Feathered Serpent included the Olmec, the Mixtec, the Toltec, the Aztec, and the Maya.

The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included human sacrifices, although in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice.

Duality itself runs rampant in myth, as well as being found in the astronomical/cosmological associations between Quetzalcoatl and the heavens and stars. Questions run the gamut from his morning star associations (as Venus) to the possibilities of his connection with Mercury.

Ultimately it is this symbolism that runs through the myth and its astrological and cosmological incarnations which raise the questions and hint at Quetzalcoatl's power and pervasiveness.

Incan God
There is a pre-Incan legend that speaks of Viracocha who is depicted in many forms. There is a duality about this deity, which is not unlike gods in other civilizations - the good god and thewarrior side to his personality.

We see him as he enlightened god in the white robes who brings knowledge and the warrior god with staves in his hands and a sun symbol around his head, not unlike the sun god Ra in ancient Egypt.

As we third dimension is a duality - all things have good and evil characteristics - including the gods of all myths. Viracocha - as duality is depicted as the sun god of creation [wearing a sun crown] and the moon god.

Viracocha, as the feathered serpent god, is one of the great mysteries of ancient American cultures. He was called,
  • Kukulkan by the Mayas
  • Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs
  • Viracocha by the Incas
  • Gucumatz in central America
  • Votan in Palenque
  • Zamna in Izamal
Pre-Inca religions centered in Tiahuanaco City which is where we first learn of a cult of a sky and thunder god named Viracocha. Gods with thunder bolts link with Zeus the main god of ancient Greece.

Chiquitet, Tehuti - Zep Tepi
Zep Tepi is GenesisZep means TimeTepi means First. Together they are the First Time or the Golden Age [Alchemy] where the gods moved through the Void and created our reality.

The ancient Egyptians who named them the Zep Tepi. They were the Pantheon of Egyptian Gods, Ptah, Ra, Su, Seb, Set, Osiris, [associated with Orion - god of resurrection and rebirth], Horus, Ma, and Thoth who came to this realm, based on the precession of the equinoxes, approximately 12,500 year ago - give or take a few hundred years.

Their sacred message was recorded in the Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean who, as the God, Tehuti, was the ruler of Atlantis for an unknown period of time, coming and going through the story of its existence.

As the Prophet Zarathustra or Zoroaster

The list of roles this soul played is endless from all mythological pantheon gods - religious figures - to famous people in science and history, creational forces including alien gods, etc...

According to a very old Masonic tradition, the Egyptian god Thoth had played a major part in preserving knowledge of the mason craft and transmitting it to mankind after the flood. Our reality is a Masonic Program [mother sound - creation by harmonics]

Tóth (or sometimes Toth) is a highly common surname in Hungary, meaning "Slav" and later "Slovak" in old Hungarian.[citation needed]
Toth can also mean "Croat", since one of the Hungarian names for Slavonia (the northern part of Croatia, bordering to Hungary) was Tothorszag;[1] although Horváth is the more usual contemporary formulation. 

